Many New Yorkers are turning to Apos® to relieve their chronic knee pain

By AposHealth Staff | New York City, NY at 9:18 AM

Apos® – FDA-cleared foot-worn device used at home to treat chronic knee pain

Many people with chronic knee pain consider options like surgery, injections, or physical therapy. Now those with knee pain have another clinically proven option to consider.

Meet Apos® – a FDA-cleared medical device that looks like a sneaker. Apos® is clinically proven to reduce chronic knee pain by 70% on average.1 And now New York City employees with some insurance plans can get Apos® completely free without a deductible or co-pay. This solution can be done at home and is helping people get back to doing what they love.

Now there is a new option to reduce pain or delay surgery2

Margaret J. true patient testimonial

Margaret was suffering from chronic knee pain and was considering surgery. But like most, she felt she didn’t have the time to take for the surgery and its recovery.

Just using Apos® for an hour a day has made a tremendous difference. Her pain levels went from an 8 out of 10 down to a 1. Because of Apos®, she feels like a new person and can get back to doing the things she loves to do. For her, that’s spending quality time with her daughter.

Don’t let knee or lower back pain hold you back any longer.

Many insurances cover Apos completely.

Schedule a quick call with our experts to learn if you qualify and how Apos® can help.

In case your healthcare coverage is not listed, please choose "Other."

Now there is a new option to reduce pain or delay surgery2

Margaret J. true patient testimonial

Many patients considering surgery have used Apos® instead. Margaret was suffering from chronic knee pain and was considering surgery. But like most, she felt she didn’t have the time to take for the surgery and its recovery.

Just using Apos® for an hour a day has made a tremendous difference. Her pain levels went from an 8 out of 10 down to a 1. Because of Apos®, she feels like a new person and can get back to doing the things she loves to do. For her, that’s spending quality time with her daughter.

Where is your primary pain located?

Can Apos® reduce knee pain by 70%?

Apos is used while doing normal daily activities around the house

Apos® is personalized to treat the cause of your specific pain. Pods on the bottom of the shoe shift weight away from painful areas. And by using Apos® for about 1 hour a day at home while going about your normal activities your muscles learn and remember this new way of walking.

The best part is that you get the benefits even when not wearing Apos® because Apos® changes the way you walk for long-term relief. In fact, a recent clinical study showed that 90% of patients who were already candidates for knee replacement surgery were able to delay surgery using Apos®.2

Apos® will help you get back to doing the things you want and love to do!

You might be a good candidate for Apos® if you:

  • Are experiencing chronic knee or back pain
  • New York City Employee with some insurance plans

Pain relief is one step away.

Check to see if your insurance covers Apos®

In case your healthcare coverage is not listed, please choose "Other."

1 According to a study published by Reichenbach S. et al. in JAMA (2020), after 6 months of treatment, knee osteoarthritis patients treated with Apos® (n=111) reported 70% pain reduction (WOMAC) on average compared to 35% in the active controls (n=109).

2 Bar-Ziv et al. in Arthritis (2013) – A controlled study (n=56) looking at 2-yrs clinical outcome and surgery delay of patients treated with Apos® (n=40) compared to traditional care (n=16) following daily treatment. Similar results were also observed by real-world clinical data (n=176, n=365) from two independent medical institutions, with 90% delaying TKR surgery after 2 years. click here

* The information and other material contained in this newsletter are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. For more important information, click here